
Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit ~B.K.S. Iyengar

Hello! My name is Kris, coffee addict, bookworm, dog lover and holistic nutritionist. I’m so glad that you’ve decided to stop by. I hope you’ll find this site is a great resource… whether you are interested in bringing more balance and joy to your life, want to develop healthier habits, discover new self-care practices, find happiness in the simple things, or want to enhance life holistically.

I believe that to be healthy, it’s necessary to focus on the whole person. For that reason, a holistic, heart-centered approach that includes nutrition, reflection practices, self-care (and having fun…because life is serious enough) is used to guide people on their wellness journey.


I’m passionate about wellness and can’t wait to help you live the life YOU want!




I reached a point when I realized I wasn’t satisfied with path I was on. I felt that my life was out of balance and that something wasn’t quite right but I couldn’t figure out how to get back on track. Eventually, I realized I needed work towards a more natural, holistic lifestyle that reflected all the parts of myself (including some that I lost/suppressed and some that I’m still discovering). I also learned that I wasn’t alone…others could relate. And so I started Holistic & Whole to help others on this exciting journey of life & wellness.